“Lean and mean” is how Jan Wieger describes his organization Hoen Vastgoedbeheer. Because of its compactness Hoen can operate cheaper than its competitors. “And we like to play this advantage to the consumer.” Van der Linden’s vision on the housing market in 2015 is that people want to buy again instead of paying high rents to landlords. He deliberately chose for the Dudokhaken to put the houses at affordable prices in the market. On this page you can read about the showpieces of Van der Linden. Click on the projects for a more detailed description.

De Hallen Amsterdam
The Halls is a much discussed development in Amsterdam West. In the redevelopment which Jan Wieger p ...

Bolestein, Buitenveldert
This renovation project is a fine apartment in Buitenveldert. The flats have got a hefty redesign an ...

Dudokhaken, Amsterdam
The beautiful, renovated apartments of Dudokhaken, located in the green garden city Geuzenveld, has ...